Every booking has a booking status In your booking overview. The status provides you in which phase the booking is.
Go to Bookings > Bookings in your dashboard.
You can sort your bookings with the filter.
Which booking statuses are possible and which meanings do they have?
- Action required:
The customer is waiting for a confirmation. The period is 6 days. - Inquiry:
If the customer click the contact button, the customer can make an individual inquiry to you. It's your choice to confirm the inquiry. - Pre-approved:
The operator answers an inquiry with another inquiry. The customer decides to accept the new inquiry. - Confirmed:
If you confirmed the inquiry, Regiondo will collect the money from the customer. A distinction is made between confirmed, confirmed (Voucher) and Confirmed (voucher redeemed) - Declined:
The operator declined an inquiry from a customer. - Expired:
The operator needed more than 6 days to confirm a booking. The customer has to make a new inquiry. - Canceled:
The operator or the customer canceled a confirmed booking or the customer withdrew the booking inquiry. A distinction is made between canceled, canceled (payment revoked), canceled (Regiondo)
Pending bookings
You find Bookings with the following statuses in the 'Pending bookings' section under 'Bookings' in your dashboard.
- Cancellation during payment: A potential customer canceled the booking during the payment process.
- Suspected fraud: After checking the credit card, the credit card institute rejects the payment because of a suspected fraud.