1. How to activate the gift option for bundle offers?
- Go to Manage Offers > My Offer Bundles and select the respective bundle offer.
- In step 6, a switcher with the name Gift option is shown. If you switch it to the right and click on the button Submit Product, your customer will be able to buy gift certificates for this bundle.
3. After activating the gift option, you have the possibility to highlight the gift option tab on your website. For this another switcher called Highlight gift option tab appears. If you switch this one to the right and submitting the product, your customer will first see the option Buy as a gift in your ticket shop.
2. How to buy a gift certificate in the ticket shop?
- In this picture you can see how the highlighted gift option for your bundle offer is displayed in your ticket shop.
2. If the customer book more than one bundle ticket, you have the possibility to offer gift certificates for each single person or one gift certificate for all participants.
3. In the next steps the customer will be asked to provide his contact details and choose the payment method. After confirmation, the customer receives his ticket with the voucher code.
3. How to buy a gift certificate in the POS?
- Go to Bookings > New booking and click on the button Gift Certificate.
- Select the respective bundle offer and determine the quantity.
- You have the possibility to offer X single gift certificates or 1 Gift certificate valid for X people. Add the product to the cart to continue.
4. After entering the customer information, you can place the order.
5. Go to Manage Offers > Ticket validity to determine the validity of the gift certificate and click on save.
4. How to redeem the gift certificate for bundle offers?
4.1 The customer can redeem the gift certificate online
4.2 Redeem the gift certificate for your customer
- Go to Bookings > Redeem Gift Certificate and enter the gift certificate code.
- You need to choose an appointment and fill out the customer information to place a booking.
2. After that you will get the confirmation about the booking and you can print the tickets for your customers.