The already confirmed bookings can be subsequently modified or cancelled. For your reservations, see your Dashboard under Bookings > Bookings.
Confirmed bookings have the status Confirmed in the booking summary. To modify a booking, please click on the corresponding booking on the booking detail page.
How can I suggest a new appointment?

This option is suitable if you still did not consult with your customers. Here you offer them an alternative appointment, which they can accept or reject.
Select a date and time for this and write a message to your customers. In the message, you should explain why you want to change the booking. In the connection, click Propose alternative appointment.
For good measure, you must confirm the appointment proposal again, by clicking the Yes - I would like to propose an alternative appointment.
The customer receives a change request per email, which he can accept or reject. You will receive the customer's answer per e-mail or you can consult it in your account. Depending on the response of the customer you will need to edit the booking accordingly.
You can also alter a booking and select a new offer. Learn more about the process here.