To avoid mistakes during the cancellation of a mydays booking, follow please this steps:
1. Select the booking which has to be cancelled
You can view all existing bookings in the booking overview. Bookings that are marked as mydays GmbH under the tab Sales Channel can be cancelled using the following method.
2. Select the tickets to be cancelled
Select the booking which you want to cancel. As you might know from other booking cancellations, go to the menu Cancel Booking and select the tickets to be cancelled.
You can put any character in the message field. Due to a mydays booking cancellation, this message won´t be sent to the customer from Regiondo.
3. Confirm the booking
The entire payment process for mydays bookings will be handled directly by mydays. That means when cancelling in Regiondo you can choose the adjustment fee as well as the refund method (Money, Value voucher) as it makes most sense for your handling. These settings have no influence on the reactivation of the voucher on the part of mydays.
4. Customer notification via mydays
The customer will not get a notification from Regiondo. The customized message, which you put into the message field will not be sent.
The voucher will now be reactivated in mydays. The customer receives an email from mydays informing them that the voucher can be redeemed again for a mydays product.
In addition to the email from mydays, you can contact the customer by yourself and if necessary, explain the cancellation reason. To do this, use e.g. the message function within the booking after you have completed the cancellation.
What can I do if the customer demands the money back for their mydays booking?
If the customer demands his money back, please refer them to the mydays customer service.
Should the customer request a refund from mydays (e.g. because they did not receive all the services described) and have this approved after checking, the customer will be refunded the money for the ticket via mydays. You do not have to refund anything to the customer yourself.