You can use a new feature to make bookings when an appointment isn't available yet.
Go to Dashboard » Bookings in your dashboard and click + New booking.
If a customer wants to book an appointment that has not yet been entered in your system, you can still select it in your provider account. As you can see in the screenshot, the 25th of October is not highlighted in the system, it is displayed in gray. That means this period is not defined in the system yet.

But you can choose this appointment as well and create a new availability. Make sure that you choose the right time for the offer because your general settings are not available anymore when you create a new availability in this case.

After you added the offer into the shopping cart you complete the process as usual.
You added a new availability in your calendar besides your usual settings.
How does it look in the calendar?
The bookings without availability are displayed in red in your calendar instead of blue.

You create a new availability which is not displayed in your ticketshop and the capacity is always at its maximum.
Afterwards you can increase the maximum manually and this availability will be displayed in your ticketshop.
As you can see in the following screenshot you increase the maximum to 5 participants, so in your ticketshop will be a new availability of 3 for this date.
Afterwards you can increase the maximum manually and this availability will be displayed in your ticketshop.
As you can see in the following screenshot you increase the maximum to 5 participants, so in your ticketshop will be a new availability of 3 for this date.