This article is about our changes in step 3 in the 'create an offer' process. You also find all the information how to create an offer in our main article. We did this changes to make your offer creation more flexible for your business. Also your customers will profit from it because they will receive more information for their organization before the event.

You will find in step 3 of your offer creation three new ways to define the offer duration. In the past you just had the option to define the duration of your offer in general.
Now you have the possibility to define the following times:
- offer duration
- meet before time
- preparation time
- follow-up time

1. Offer duration
Enter the estimated duration of your activity/event. If you use the resource manager, this is also the period the associated resource will be reserved.
2.Early Bird
Should your customer arrive ahead of time? If so, please let them know how much time you need to get them ready.
3. Preparation time (before the start)
If necessary, you can define a “set up” time for an event. During this time, your offer and associated resources won’t be bookable.
4. Follow-up time (after the end)
If necessary, you can define a “follow up” time after an event. During this time your offer and associated resources won’t be bookable.