The new registration process will be released by end of November.
Until then the current registration process will be used.
Create an operator account
Creating an operator account can be done in just a few steps.
To create an operator account please click here.
Step 1: Enter your information
To create your operator account you will have to register with your email address and a password. Your password has to consist of at least 8 characters, including at least one uppercase letter (A), lowercase letter (a), one number (1) and one special character (#).

If you already have an account and forgot where to log in, go here
Step 2: Personalize your Regiondo Account
Please select “I'm an Operator” or “I'm a partner”.
What's the difference between an operator and a partner?
The operator is the one who organizes the event and the one who actually conducts the event. A partner is only selling offers of one or more operators.
Enter your first and second name, the name of your company and your phone number.
You will have to enter your company website. If you do not have a company website, please select the option “I don't have a website”.

Step 3: Some last information
For the third step you will have to enter the business registered country. Next, please add your preferred language and currency. You will also create your personal Regiondo-URL in this step. This is the link where your ticket shop will be displayed.
Finally, please confirm that you have read our general terms and conditions. You may give your consent to be informed by e-mail about events, product updates and marketing information.

Please note that your preferred currency will not be changeable afterwards. If you want to switch currencies afterwards you will need to create another operator account and choose your desired currency when logging in.
Choose your personal Regiondo-URL wisely, because it´s not editable after you finished signing up.
Step 4: Confirmation of your e-mail address
Good news: you are almost finished with the registration!

An email will be sent to you after the third step has been completed. Now you just need to confirm your email address. This way we know that the email address you entered is correct and it was actually you that registered.

If you have not received a confirmation email, please check your spam or junk folder. Also, the confirmation button is no longer valid after 24 hours.
You have the option of resending the confirmation yourself, the validity of the confirmation button will then be reset to another 24 hours.
After confirming, you can start right away with creating your first offer!

To find out how to create an offer, please check out this article.