You will find the event capacity in step 3 'Tickets' of your offer creating process.
1. Create the total capacity of the price list
The total capacity is the maximum number of tickets for this offer.
2. Define the quantity of each ticket category
In the price list, you can create different ticket categories. For example adults and children. In addition to the total capacity of the price list, you have to define the capacity for each ticket category.
2.1 Example
It doesn´t matter in which category you sell your tickets:
Total capacity: 15
Adults: 15
Children: 15
So then there are various combinations possible but with the maximum of 15 tickets.
For example:
13 Adults
2 Children
Total capacity: 15
Adults: 15
Children: 15
So then there are various combinations possible but with the maximum of 15 tickets.
For example:
13 Adults
2 Children