For the integration of your tickets and vouchers on your website an individual code (HTML snippet) will be integrated into your website. The code can be generated in your operator dashboard. You can find more information about this under possibilities of integrating my ticket shop.
Simply insert the generated code into the HTML code in the body area of the website - exactly where you want the offer to be displayed.
Simply insert the generated code into the HTML code in the body area of the website - exactly where you want the offer to be displayed.
How the HTML snippet is integrated into your website usually depends on your content management system (CMS). To make integration easier for you, here you will find an overview of the most frequently used CMS and their instructions for integration.
- WordPress
- Joomla
- Jimdo
- Strato
- Apache
- Wix
- Strikingly
- Drupal
- Weebly
- Contao
- WebNode
- E-monsite
You can also integrate your ticket shop on your Facebook company page. You can find all the information you need here.
In order to achieve increased bookings via your website, your visitor should land on your ticket shop as quickly as possible in order to generate the booking there. Therefore, we recommend that you integrate the ticket shop, and thus the HTML snippet, at a prominent place on your website. A separate menu item with the title "Book now" or "Bookings", under which the ticket shop can be found, is also suitable.
As soon as the ticket shop is integrated on your website, changes or further offers that you create via your operator dashboard will also be changed or displayed directly in your ticket shop on your website. For example, you can always create new offers in your dashboard and these are immediately displayed in your ticket shop on your website for booking. You don't have to integrate a new HTML code.