1. How can I find the booking detail pages?
If you click on Bookings > Bookings in the sidebar you can select a booking made on a certain booking date and time and buyer.

2. Which information can I find on the booking detail page?
On the booking number page you can see the booking number, for instance #3576440609.
The booking date is shown. You will be able to see whether the booking is confirmed. The site also states the payment method, the amount as well as your sales channel.
You can see details about the booked activity.

If a cart contains more than one booked activity or merchandise products the booking detail page lists them. You will find links below the headline "This booking also contains".

In the section in the middle of the booking number page you can send a message to the customer. On the second tab you can add a note to the booking. On the third tab the booking can be changed and the updates be saved. On the fourth tab you can cancel the booking. On the fifth tab you can check in the customer.

You can see the message history. It lets you know which messages have already been sent to the customer.

In the bottom of the page you can download the ticket or the sales receipt.