Regiondo has partnered with Livn in order to help expand your market reach. Serving over 15,000+ tour operators, Livn’s partnership with Regiondo gives you the opportunity to have your offers all around the world.
Below you will find the steps on how to connect your offers to Livn with your Regiondo account.
Step 1
Log in to your Regiondo dashboard.
Under "Channel Manager", choose the option "Sales Channels" and search for Livn.
Under "Channel Manager", choose the option "Sales Channels" and search for Livn.

Step 2
Next to the channel "Livn Group Pty Ltd", click on the "Pen" icon.

Step 3
Click on the button "Send message" and write a message to LIVN stating your wish to connect with them as a sales channel.

Step 4
Select the products you want to connect and activate the channel with clicking on "Activate Channel"

Don't forget to save your settings.