To search for specific bookings, go to Bookings > Bookings.
Here, you can decide to search for booking numbers, buyer names and email addresses. Furthermore, you can use the filter button on the right to specify your search. Using filters gives you a variety of options for your search such as appointment dates, products, booking status and many more.
How does the search query work?
When using the search bar there are a couple of commands that will help you find what you are looking for.
If you are looking for a particular name for instance, you have to write the full name in order for the system to find it. If you don't remember the full name, worry not. Just add a * behind whatever you entered. The system will then filter all names that contain the entered words.
If you are looking for a particular name for instance, you have to write the full name in order for the system to find it. If you don't remember the full name, worry not. Just add a * behind whatever you entered. The system will then filter all names that contain the entered words.
For example: you are looking for 'James' - You can enter something like jam* and the system will find the name you were looking for in the first place
Using a + in the search bar will let you search for documents that both contain the items you typed in
For example: you want to search for a product that contains 'wifi' and 'luxury'. In that case you can simply type in 'wifi + luxury'
Lastly you can also search for a product that contains either one of the items you typed in or both.
For example: You want to search for a product that contains either wifi or luxury, or that contains both. Here, you can type in 'wifi OR luxury'
If you want to find out more about how to use the customer database, click here.