When you create a new discount code, you can determine the maximum discount quantity applied. The maximum discount quantity determines how many tickets a customer can buy per shopping basket with the discount.
In your provider account, go to Increase Sales> Discount Amount to create a new discount code. After you create a new discount code, you can determine the maximum quantity that can be applied.
In your provider account, go to Increase Sales> Discount Amount to create a new discount code. After you create a new discount code, you can determine the maximum quantity that can be applied.
You can read how to create a discount code here.
The maximum discount quantity can only be set for new discount codes. Existing discount codes can no longer be processed.
You can choose whether the maximum applicable quantity or the new discount code is valid for a specific product or for all products. If you select binding for all products, it means that each of your offers has the maximum applicable quantity.
How does the maximum discount quantity work?
For example, if you set the maximum discount quantity to 3 pieces, a customer can buy up to three tickets per basket with this discount code. From the fourth product on, the discount code can no longer applies.
The following are some examples of how the maximum discount quantity that can be applied works:
The following are some examples of how the maximum discount quantity that can be applied works:
A customer buys the same listing for two or more appointments
If a customer buys several products, it depends on the products for which the maximum applicable quantity has been set. Once the discount code has been set for all products, a customer can purchase up to three products with the discount code for each offer.
If the discount code is only assigned for one product, a customer can purchase up to three tickets of this offer with the discount per date.
If the discount code is only assigned for one product, a customer can purchase up to three tickets of this offer with the discount per date.