Notification from January 1, 2025
We would like to inform you that from this date forward, if your VAT number is not recognized as valid for cross-border transactions, you will incur the VAT rate applicable in the country where your business entity is located. Please refer to the table below to determine the VAT rate that will apply to your business:
What is a VAT identification number?
Sometimes also known as a VAT registration number, this is the unique number that identifies a taxable person (business) or non-taxable legal entity that is registered for VAT.
The importance of VAT numbers
- Used to identify tax status of the customer
- Help to identify the place of taxation
- Mentioned on invoices (except simplified invoices in certain EU countries)
Who needs a VAT number?
Most businesses (and other persons carrying out an economic activity) need a VAT number (see Article 214 VAT Directive for full details).
In particular, business is obliged to register for VAT in the following cases:
- when it carries out the supply of goods or services taxed with VAT;
- when it makes an intra-EU acquisition of goods;
- when it receives services for which it is liable to pay VAT (under Article 196 VAT Directive);
- when it supplies services for which the customer is liable to pay VAT (under Article 196 VAT Directive).
Where to check/request a VAT number?
Format of VAT numbers
Every VAT identification number must begin with the code of the country concerned and followed by a block of digits or characters. Each EU country uses its own format of VAT identification number.
Where To add the VAT ID in Regiondo
Please note that in Regiondo, we have two places to add the VAT ID.
- in Settings > operator information
- in Shop configuration > Tax options
1. Dashboard > Settings > operator information
The VAT ID added in this section will be displayed in the invoice (Payout bills, operator invoice, operator tax invoice ).
2. Shop Configuration > Tax option
The VAT ID added in this section will be used for all billing transactions. This means that if you did not add the VAT ID in this section, you will pay 19% German VAT on top of the Regiondo commissions.
Note: Please Be aware that only Businesses (registered for VAT) will be exempt of paying the 19% VAT.
Small business (exempt from VAT) will have to pay the 19% VAT.
Please note, that we are not allowed to give advice regarding tax issues.
The information provided below is only our own understanding of tax flows.
Therefore we have to inform you, that you (partner/operator of activities) always have to consider your own tax accountant or tax lawyer for verification of the information below.
You can find the Regiondo VAT number here: